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Welcome to the MB Reckitt Trust

The MB Reckitt Trust (formerly the Christendom Trust) is

  • a UK registered charity (No. 262394)
  • a grant-giving trust that funds projects concerned with Christian social thought and action
  • an organization that takes initiatives and holds consultations on topics of Christian and social concern.

The aim of the Trust is to promote researches and activities that evaluate and develop social structures, processes and attitudes in order to release energies for change, from the perspective of Christianity.

Trustees are currently wanting to encourage work that supports the following outcome:

Being and building communities that are diverse and cohesive, in order to bring about a stronger society

Within this theme the Trust will prioritize applications focused on:

  1. Constructive communication and understanding between Christianity and the other principal faith traditions;
  2. People of faith engaging in social and political issues;
  3. Shared social action in plural settings;

The Trust will continue to focus its support on thoughtful/qualitative action research that can release energies for change, i.e. producing application and understanding that goes beyond the people or the project involved.

Since its funds are small, the Trust does not fund core activities, nor buildings, bursaries, but seeks to support work that has an element of research and innovation, with the likelihood of wider dissemination, replication or policy change.

With increasing competition for scarcer funds, the Trustees' strategy is to support work where their funding will make the largest difference. Grants rarely fall outside the £500-£10,000 range. The total number of grants will therefore be few, and predominantly awarded within the UK and Ireland. Grants may be given in association with other charities, if this is a means of achieving the Trust’s aims. The Trust prefers not to collaborate in quasi-governmental action research.

Application for Funding

Trust Accounts

Papers & Articles

We welcome imaginative funding applications that will further our aims.

PLEASE NOTE! The next meeting of Trustees, when applications will be considered, is Tuesday 17th June 2025. The deadline for applications is Monday 19th May 2025.

Please read our Guidelines page carefully before applying